滋賀医学国際協力会 プライバシーポリシー お問い合わせ


公益財団法人 滋賀医学国際協力会 理事長 就任のあいさつ

公益財団法人 滋賀医学国際協力会
理事長 高橋 祥二郎

高橋 祥二郎理事長  このたび理事長に就任いたしました。就任に際して、前任の吉川隆一理事長から本財団の目的、経緯、助成事業についてご説明をいただきました。
 今から30年以上前の1990 (平成2)年に本財団が発足した際、当時、滋賀銀行の会長であった廣野寛氏が本財団の初代の理事長として仕事をされた経緯を踏まえ、お役に立てればと思い、理事長の職をお受けした次第であります。
 2020 (令和2)年からの新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大に伴い、国際交流が停滞する状況ではありましたが、新型コロナウイルス感染症の位置づけが5類となり、徐々にではありますが、交際交流の活動も復活の兆しが見られます。
Greetings from Shojiro TAKAHASHI,
the new President of the Shiga Medical Science Association for International Cooperation  [A Public-interest Incorporated Foundation]

I have just assumed the position of President of the Board of Trustees of the Association.  Before assuming office, I was informed in detail by my predecessor, Professor Ryuichi Kikkawa, of the purpose, background, and grant programs of the Association.
When the Association was established more than 30 years ago, in 1990, Mr. Hiroshi HIRONO, then Chairperson of Shiga Bank a couple of generations back, was the first President of the Association, and when I was offered the task, I wished to contribute to the goal of internationalization, following his will.
I am aware that Shiga Prefecture has become an increasingly internationalized prefecture in the Kinki region, and that Shiga has a growing number of residents from overseas.
International exchange has been stagnant since 2020 due to the spread of the Covid virus, and yet now that this virus has been classified into category 5, regarded as less threatening, there are signs, although gradual, of a resurgence in social exchange activities.
We hope that international activities in the field of medical science in Shiga Prefecture will continue to be promoted, and with the cooperation of all parties concerned, we will strive to further enhance and develop our activities.  I greatly appreciate your continuing support.
Best wishes, Shojiro TAKAHASHI
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